This Doggy Diving Pool Is an Idaho Dog’s Swimming & Fetch Oasis

It’s summer in the Treasure Valley and you already know–everyone and their dog is eager to get outside.
Take a look at any hiking trail, greenbelt stretch, or even local patio: you’re bound to see some dogs out for an adventure with their loving owners.
When it comes to dog activities, there are no shortage of options but a relatively new indoor paradise has many dog owners celebrating–and flocking–to Meridian.
We had the chance to meet Chris Huxley, owner AND doctor at Boise K9 Fitness & Rehab– a business that just opened up last fall to super-serve dogs and their fitness, rehab, and recreational needs.
The business offers all sorts of rehab and fun for dogs of all ages, breeds, and sizes.
Take a ‘dive’ into these photos to see just how awesome this indoor doggy oasis really is!
Check Out Meridian’s Luxurious Doggy Diving Pool
It’s indoors and open YEAR ROUND!
Gallery Credit: Credit: Mateo, 103.5 KISS FM
Imagine being able to let your dog swim YEAR ROUND!?
Step inside of Boise K9 Fitness & Rehab and you’re quick to be greeted by Dr. Huxley who knows and loves dogs better than most! She made the transition from ‘human work’ as a physical therapist to ‘dog work’ several years ago and has never looked back. Her business is probably about to be your dogs favorite destination.
As you saw from the photos, a massive indoor pool takes up a large portion of her space. Here, dog owners are able to rent out swim times for their dogs to either learn to swim or full on dive and splash in the water. Yes, owners can hop into the pool as well.
Dog swimming lessons? There’s such thing.
Dog social hours with your dog and his or her closest friends? Also an option.
While there are plenty of outdoor options in the area–how often do we hear of local ponds being closed to dogs–or close all together–because of various bacteria issues? Yuck.
Come wintertime- your dog is going to miss swimming and your bathtub isn’t going to cut it. It’s awesome that this doggy pool is open year round!
Nutrition, Fitness, and even Doggy Physical Therapy are offered by Dr. Huxley as well, to make sure that your doggo is happy, healthy and healed.
Learn more about Boise K9 Fitness & Rehab, HERE.
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Gallery Credit: Stephanie Gull